====== Arch Linux Installation ====== - gparted bootbaren USB-Stick erstellen, von diesem booten. - Sämtliche Partitionen außer der EFI System-Partition löschen, diese von 260 auf 512M erweitern. - neue Partition /dev/nvme0n1p2 erstellen mit restlichem Platz - vom bootbaren Arch-USB-Stick booten - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide - https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Arch_Linux_auf_Deutsch_stellen ===== WLAN ===== https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_network_configuration ''wpa_passphrase SSID password > /etc/wpa_supplicant/mywlanconnection.conf''\\ ''wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp4s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/mywlanconnection.conf''\\ ''dhcpcd wlp4s0'' ====NetworkManager ==== https://linuxhint.com/arch_linux_network_manager/ ''sudo pacman -S networkmanager'' ''sudo pacman -S nm-connection-editor network-manager-applet'' ''sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service'' ''sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd.service'' ''sudo systemctl enable wpa_supplicant.service'' ''sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service'' ===== File System ===== ''mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt''\\ ''mkdir /mnt/boot''\\ ''mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot'' ==== Swap file ==== https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/swap ''fallocate -l 512M /mnt/swapfile''\\ ''chmod 600 /mnt/swapfile''\\ ''mkswap /mnt/swapfile''\\ ''swapon /mnt/swapfile'' ==== Boot manager ==== systemd-boot (gummiboot):\\ ''bootctl --path=/boot install''\\ ''e2label /dev/nvme0n1p2 ROOT''\\ ''bootctl --path=/boot update''\\ /etc/mkinitcpio.conf: MODULES="crc32_generic crc32-pclmul libcrc32c crc32c_generic crc32c-intel"\\ mkinitcpio -p linux ===== LXDE ===== ''pacman -S lxde'' --> Standardeinstellungen, alle Pakete auswählen\\ ''pacman -S xorg-xinit'' --> ~/.xinitrc erstellen, dort u.a. exec startlxde eintragen https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xinit ==== Touchpad ==== ''pacman -S xf86-input-synaptics''\\ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics ==== Sound ==== ''pacman -S alsa-utils''\\ alsamixer: unmute (m) speakers ==== Font configuration ==== ''pacman -S xorg-xrdb''\\ use .Xresources file:\\ ''Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault\\ Xft.antialias: true\\ Xft.autohint: 0\\ Xft.hinting: true\\ Xft.hintstyle: hintslight\\ Xft.rgba: rgb\\ Xft.dpi: 96'' \\ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/x_resources\\ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/font_configuration\\ ''xrdb --merge .Xresources'' ==== USB Automount ==== udev-rule anlegen: http://kissmyarch.blogspot.de/2011/10/usb-automount.html\\ funktioniert nicht wirklich. udisks2 + manual mount does the trick. rw!!! https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Udev\\ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/USB_Storage_Devices#As_normal_user_with_mount ===== AUR (Arch User Repository) ===== ==== Installation von yaourt ==== https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/yaourt\\ ''pacman -S base-devel''\\ ''pacman -S wget''\\ ''pacman -S diffutils''\\ ===== Nitrokey ===== https://www.nitrokey.com/documentation/installation#p:nitrokey-pro&os:linux\\ ''pacman -S ccid''\\ laut Anleitung die libccid_info.plist anpassen (Nitrokey Kennungen eintragen)\\ udev-rule für den Nitrokey erstellen (evtl. beim Installieren der Nitrokey-App erledigt?)\\ udev neustarten? Keine Ahnung wie. Angeblich findet udev die neuen rules selbst...\\ ''pacman -S snapd''\\ ''systemctl enable --now snapd.socket''\\ ''sudo snap install nitrokey-app''\\ rechner neustarten, dann kann nitrokey-app mit Fn+Alt+F2 gestartet werden, Nitrokey wird beim Reinstecken erkannt\\ http://xmodulo.com/linux-security-with-nitrokey-usb-smart-card.html\\ btw: using subkeys... https://wiki.fsfe.org/TechDocs/CardHowtos/CardWithSubkeysUsingBackups\\ ===== Gajim ===== OMEMO-Plugin braucht python-axolotl. Abhängigkeit python-axolotl-curve25519 muss aus irgendeinem Grund manuell installiert werden.\\ ''yaourt -S python-axolotl-curve25519''\\ ''yaourt -S python-axolotl'' ===== Sonic Pi ===== ''yaourt -S sonic-pi''\\ Installation von ruby-rugged schlägt fehl: falsche Version von libgit2 erwartet (0.25, installiert ist 0.26) (--use-system-libraries sollte aktuell installierte Version nehmen)\\ Das scheint ein Problem mit openssl1.1.0 zu sein. Empfehlung ist, alles mögliche mit openssl1.0 zu kompilieren. Funktioniert nicht wirklich besser. Gaaaa.\\ ===== Google Chrome ===== https://linuxhint.com/install-google-chrome-on-arch-linux/\\ clone git repo\\ ''mkpkg -s''\\ ''sudo pacman -U google-chrome-xxx.tar.xz'' ===== Docker ===== ''sudo pacman -S docker''\\ ''sudo systemctl enable docker.server'' (startet docker automatisch beim Hochfahren)\\ Neustarten, weil neues Kernelmodul bridge installiert wird... ''sudo docker pull couchbase/server'' lädt image herunter (latest version)\\ ''sudo docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest''\\ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/quickstart-install-connect-docker\\ https://serverfault.com/questions/738773/docker-failed-to-add-the-pair-interfaces-operation-not-supported:\\ That is normal, since on a kernel upgrade, all .ko module files in /usr/lib/modules/{KERNEL_VERSION} of the running kernel are deleted. Docker needs some tun / tap modules to create the interfaces and trying to load them fails after a kernel upgrade. Rebooting helps because all module files are there for the new kernel. Another work-around would be to re-extract the modules for the old kernel if you still have the pacman package lying around and want to avoid the reboot. – ===== Email Backup ===== ''sudo pacman -S offlineimap''\\ ''openssl s_client -connect imap.provider.de:993 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin'' ===== Battery life ===== ''sudo pacman -S tlp''\\ thinkpads need kernel module acpi_call or tp_smapi\\ http://thinkwiki.de/TLP_-_Linux_Stromsparen#Arch_Linux ===== Camera ===== install: libgphoto2, gphoto2 (command line tool being able to do about anything with the cam)\\ Download all: ''gphoto2 –get-all-files'' \\ List all files on cam: ''gphoto2 --list-all-files''\\ Download single files and rename them like in jhead: ''gphoto2 --get-file 348-349 --filename %Y%m%d-%H%M%S.jpg''\\ ===== Bluetooth ===== systemctl start bluetooth bluetoothctl further bluetooth commands: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bluetooth_headset\\ install blueman package\\ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bluetooth#Graphical\\ /etc/pulse/system.pa\\ ...\\ load-module module-bluetooth-policy\\ load-module module-bluetooth-discover\\ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bluetooth_headset\\ ===== Folding@home ===== https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/folding@home ==== GPU ==== Graphics: Intel Corporation Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] (rev 07) sudo pacman -S ocl-icd\\ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GPGPU\\ sudo pacman -S beignet (open source openCL runtime) ===== LaTeX ===== https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/TeX_Live\\ edit tlmgr.pl ===== GMX Cloud ===== ''mkdir /home/andrea/gmxcloud''\\ ''yay -S davfs2''\\ add \\ https://webdav.mc.gmx.net /home/andrea/gmxcloud davfs rw,noauto,user 0 0 \\ to fstab\\ ''sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/mount.davfs''\\ ''sudo usermod -a -G davfs2 andrea''\\ add davfs2 secret to /home/andrea/.davfs2/secrets:\\ ''chmod 600 ~/.davfs2/secrets''\\ /home/andrea/gmxcloud email-adresse@gmx.net PasswortImKlartext\\ ''cp /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf ~/.davfs2/ gedit ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf''\\ edit davfs2.conf:\\ if_match_bug 1\\ use_locks 0\\ cache_size 1\\ table_size 4096\\ delay_upload 1\\ gui_optimize 1\\ fstab neu einlesen: ''sudo mount -a''\\ ''mount gmxcloud''